Tuesday, January 14, 2020

He's a German Shogun - Respect!

I've had a difficult time writing about this postcard... well less so about the card, but more about Finn. You see, I've tried to blend the right amount of story about Finn with wit, sarcasm, and humor with tasteful innuendos, crass references to awkwardly short mustaches, a distaste for discipline, and respect for privacy. Most of all, I wanted to be irreverent about all social constructs but had to weigh self-censorship, with his being a journalist. And that's perhaps my struggle. He's public yet private, discrete, but not shy. Follow Finn on Twitter!

So, the plan was to move in with him and his partner for about six months when I was trying to transition out of China. In actuality, it was 18 months... and the flat did not have a microwave! After a period of cohabitation, I learned that his partner was a Lego fanatic, and Finn was possibly Asian in a prior life. In this life, he drinks copious amounts of green tea, meditates to take a break from meditation, bows endlessly, and is suffocatingly considerate - in a German way.

His being a polyglot makes him exceptional having mastered two Asian languages. I guess his appreciation for all things Asian was appreciated as well (for the record, we did not hook up). As a journalist, he lived in Japan for a number of years - long enough to become very proficient in Japanese and write a charming travel book about Japan for Germans called, Tokio Total: Mein Leben als Langnase available on German Amazon. When can we expect a book about China?

One thing of note that I don't think I've seen done in many postcards is his indicating the city from which he writes and date on the postcard. It's lovely because it's more specific than the country and less bulky than something like, "writing you from Naru..." as I would have done. Well arigato, Finn. I got your postcard!

Get there!

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