Monday, November 4, 2013

What Causes This? Feet!

On July 22, 2013, I get a message on WhatsApp from Juliana that went something to the effect of, "I hope you get these." The image attachment above caused an instant migraine. Basically, she took a photo of two postcards that she was sending from France to me in Beijing. A few weeks later, this came in the mail...

The other one... sadly, has yet to arrive. Check back for updates!

Now, it's no exaggeration that I have to mentally prepare myself to read postcards from Juliana - I appreciate them of course, but they are intense. Just look for yourself. And this one kinda typifies the frantic energy that leaps from the card and into my brain. After this particular onslaught of excitement scribed by this mad, madwoman, I had to sit down and steady myself because the echo of that migraine returned... then I blacked out.

I think I either had a seizure or my left eye twitching uncontrollably so as I collapsed to the ground in agony. The girl is crazy. Crazy mad... Not the feet. There, I've said it and it makes me wonder, what causes it? Thanks, Jules, you know I love it. I got your postcard.

Get there!

1 comment:

JLOH said...

bah oui!!! c'est LE PIED!!! i am teleporting you some of that frantic energy!!! SHOOK SHOOK BUZZZZZ