Saturday, December 14, 2019

Not a Postcard from Madagascar

This from Gabriel - GIS specialist, jujitsu master, consummate charmer, and possible agent for the CIA. He sent the above from Madagascar... not a postcard. 😒 This is the first non-postcard I've ever featured... only because it's still pretty cool... 

That said, this card was made by a "young Malagasy schoolgirl and aspiring journalist in Ranomafana, a small town found deep in the Malagasy forests." It's incredibly charming in that it's a simple piece of paper split in half and decorated with natural fibers. The iguana is made from a fibrous banana leaf material and the leaves are die-cut from delicate leaves. I'm blocking out any possibility of child labor abuses here.

While not a posty, I had to share this, as it's still pretty cool... and Gabe doesn't disappoint with the postcards from his not-so-secret missions around the world. An A-for-effort, Gabe. Thanks, I got your not-a-postcard. 

Get there!

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