Monday, January 6, 2020

Full-Service Pimp/Concierge/Hotel in One

I haven't a clue as to what Lilian was talking about regarding, "full-service pimp/concierge/hotel in one," but if you're starting a business, then count me in.

On a different note, this was the first postcard I've ever featured from 2016. I've had the collection for nearly four years, and I've been negligent in the equal distribution and publication of postcards from the two+plu decades. Check out the tag cloud for which year seems to be the most popular - so far 2010. Be on the lookout as 1998, 1999, 2002, 2014, and 2015 have yet to be featured. So many postcards, and so little time. Keep 'em coming. And thanks, Lilian for the cute hologram of puppies (and kitty) on a boat. I got your postcard!

Get there!

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