Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Does it count? from Kyoto, Japan

How would you describe the above? No I'm not talking about the pretty leaves and the scenery; but how would you categorize the above? I'll back up a bit. Notice: no stamp cancel; heck, no stamp - period! Needless to say, the above posty from my well intentioned friend, Marco Della Seta - formerly the number two at the Italian Embassy in Beijing - did not go through the official channels of the (in this case the international) postal service. Instead, the above posty like a few others I have received over the years comes with a mixed bag of feelings as they feel incomplete.

And because the postcard itself hasn't gone "through the system," I am left with one question: Does it count? Ok, two questions: Does it count? And, Should it count?

Clearly, there is a story. The year, 2010; his holiday destination, Japan. Marco completed his tour at the Mission here in Beijing in October of 2010 but his prior months were filled with last minute travel to various destinations - mostly in China for some last minute birding. One of these trips was to Japan to check-out Kyoto and Tokyo. Whether there was any birding has yet to be confirmed.

Back to my dilemma. As a purist, I don't think it counts; as a Gemini, it might because just being featured on IGYP validates it somehow. Now I tried Googling another way to say "doesn't count" because I didn't want to describe this category of postcard as a "Fail" because there was intent, and... well, some of these postcards are included in a package and along with the Reese's Pieces, dairy pills and dirty mags - but then it's just an item in a package, not a postcard that's gone (say it with me now) "through the system."

On one hand, it's a postcard but on the other, it doesn't have a stamp. One one hand, there's the spirit of intent but on the other, the spirit never made it to the postoffice to mail the damn thing. But then again, if it was mailed in a package would that count? For sure, the package would count if it this blog were www.igotyourpackage.com - but it's not. What do you think about hand delivery? This distresses me. I am distressed.

So, I'll leave it with you - Does it count? or Doesn't it? Again, I haven't binned it, but these rogue postys make me uncomfortable. I've actually categorized them as "the unholy" in my photo manager, but it's too dramatic and too wordy as an entry label. So, instead I've settled for Almost as the the twins are still out on this one. So thanks Marco, as you already know - I got your postcard!

Get there!


J* said...

it's the thought that counts. so it counts.

L said...

kudos to the effort, but no it doesnt count.
its a card not a "POST"card.