Friday, September 6, 2013

Meal Ready to Eat

This was the first that prompted my “Best of the Best” selection, but I haven’t written about it because I didn’t have the words or have the confidence to tell the story about the above and do it the justice it deserves. But I finally figured it out… I am going to let the words of Capt. McCabe T.G. explain from Pakistan:
Hello, I’ve never met you, but my brother Ed (McCabe) said you were quite hospitable to him on his trip to Beijing in September. He also mentioned you liked getting postcards from interesting places. Right now I’m writing from the Pano Aqil, Pakistan; It’s a small medium–sized town in the center of the country right along the Indus River. The river is why I am here. I’m with the United States Marine Corps. We were sent to provide flood relief support with our helicopters. When we first flew in we came to a land of islands scattered across water as far as the eye could see, the flood waters have receded significantly. What was once a sea is now visibly from land, cultivated fields and crops still growing in some. I’ve tried to make this card something unique. I normally prefer to write in straight lines, left to right and on ruled paper. This is definitely not written in straight lines and is on the back of the cardboard packaging of a “Meal Ready To Eat.” Mango peach applesauce. My apologies that will not be able to put Pakistani postage on this, but as we are here for disaster relief, there is no way to send out mail. So I will have to send this from the boat. Hope this has been interesting. From Tom McCabe.

I’ve said in the past that the content in a postcard isn’t important, but it's the thought that counts. Well, given the story about from Capt. McCabe, I’ve been blow off my feet since the first day I read this and had to scoop my jaw off the floor. This is why it’s the “Best of the Best.” Thank you very much Capt. McCabe. I got your postcard!

Get there!

1 comment:

julianaloh @bilbaobab said...

this is my favourite one - so special