Monday, October 21, 2013

Ya Gotta Love Autumn!

The summer greens of the ginkgo trees that line the streets in the diplomatic areas of Beijing have already begun to turn bright yellow, and in a few days, they will once again fall to the ground paving the streets with gold. Autumn in Beijing is only a few weeks, usually two to three weeks max. Then winter comes, and we dig in for a cold winter. So, it's appropriate now to share with you one of my faves.

There are so many things I love about this postcard. For starters, the archived photo is called Get Lost by Gaylord Herron, and it's from one of my dearest friends Dove, Ph.D. (neuropharmacology if you must know - yes, she's smart like that).

But back in 2003, Dove was on her way to becoming Dr. Dove and doing her degree at a lab bench somewhere with a fume hood, and I was working on my tan and timing at a board meeting somewhere off the coast of Los Angeles. In LA we have no fall... hence go "spray paint a palm tree." Instead, we have summer. Everything outside of summer is hoodie weather but it gets hot by noon, so it becomes summer again eventually

I remember when I got this postcard, it was mind-blowing. The leaves. For starters, she taped leaves onto the back. And then leaves are arranged in a flower. I thought it was a pressed flower... but it's not! Why write it, when you can send it - ON THE BACK OF A POSTCARD! And finally, it made its way through the postal service to LA. Could I be the only one in the world dorking out over the awesomeness of all this?

The front design is funny and thoughtful with nice use of white empty space. The black and white a bit serious... But when I turned it over... mind was blown. And because of this experience from a postcard, it's always been an original Best of the Best. Thanks for inspiring me and constantly reminding me that there are different ways of doing, creating and sharing. No need to adhere to what's normally done, and no need to be conservative on using clear tape. Thanks, Dr. Dove. I got your postcard!

Get there!

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